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25th July 2022

How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy: 4 Tips

Dr. Devan Patel, PharmD
scarmedx and pregnancy scars

Pregnancy is a momentous event in many women’s lives. Becoming a mother is one of the most joyous experiences but with it comes plenty of changes. A woman’s body must accommodate the growth of a tiny human inside of her.

She’ll experience hormonal changes that will affect her mood, cravings, and appearance. Most of all, she’ll need to adjust to the growing size of her belly. 

During pregnancy, a woman’s belly expands rapidly as her baby grows. Partly due to the growth of her baby but also due to pregnancy weight gain. Rapid weight gain and hormonal changes cause your skin to stretch faster than it can handle. When this happens, stretch marks appear. 

Stretch marks are small scars that appear when your skin stretches too far, too fast. Rapid weight gain or pregnancy can cause the skin to tear slightly.

When this happens, your body must work quickly to heal itself, resulting in scar tissue. Stretch marks are natural and sometimes unavoidable. But there are some things you can do to prevent stretch marks or reduce their appearance.

Below, we will cover 4 tips that you can use to try and help prevent stretch parks during pregnancy.


1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for anyone regardless of their pregnancy status. Water is essential for a healthy functioning body. It helps carry nutrients to you and your growing baby while also helping with fatigue, preventing swelling, and aiding in urinary tract infection (UTI) prevention (a common occurrence in pregnant women). 

Drinking water also keeps your skin cells functioning the way they’re supposed to. It makes it easier for your skin cells to stretch, repair, and possibly prevent stretch marks altogether.

Simply put, well hydrated skin is less likely to tear or scar than moist, soft, hydrated skin.

Pregnant women should be vigilant about their hydration and consult with their doctor about how much water is safe for them to drink daily.

water bottle staying hydrated during pregnancy


2. Take Your Vitamins

Making sure you are getting the right nutrients during pregnancy is important for the development of your baby. But it’s also important for preventing stretch marks.

Certain vitamins like vitamins C, E, D, and zinc are crucial for skin health. These vitamins help your skin repair skin cells more efficiently to reduce the formation of scar tissue (stretch marks). 

A balanced diet full of plenty of fruits and vegetables should be a priority while pregnant. Furthermore, you should consider prenatal vitamins or daily multi-vitamins to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients.

Of course, always check with your doctor before consuming any non-prescribed vitamins or medications to be sure they are safe during pregnancy.


3. Treat New Stretch Marks with Topical Creams

While drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin hydrated, topical creams should be used as well. Hydrating lotions work by increasing elasticity in your skin.

The more hydrated your skin is, the more it can grow and expand without tearing or forming stretch marks. Specifically, you should consider creams and lotions formulated to reduce stretch marks and scars.

ScarMedX, by Zen Nutrients, is a surgeon and dermatologist recommended scar gel used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, plus new and old scar tissue.* It’s made with high-quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients like Rosehip Seed Oil, Allantoin, Panthenol, and Collaxyl.

These ingredients are backed by science for assisting with stretch marks and and making scars (or stretch marks) less visible.* ScarMedX works by providing your skin with the hydration and vitamins it needs to heal and repair.* For best results, apply moisturizing creams daily during and after your pregnancy.*

scar medx

4. Gain Weight at an Appropriate Pace

The best way to avoid stretch marks altogether is to not gain weight too quickly. Stretch marks occur only when the skin is pulled apart rapidly before it has time to adjust.

Most women gain between 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. But every individual is different. Calorie needs do increase during pregnancy, but only by about 300 calories per day in the second trimester. 

The common misconception of eating for two while pregnant may cause some women to gain more weight than necessary, increasing her chances of developing stretch marks.

Talk to your doctor about what is an appropriate food intake for you based on your personal health. It’s possible to find the balance between eating more during your pregnancy while not overdoing it.

How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy: The takeaway

Stretch marks are common during pregnancy and sometimes unavoidable. While they are part of life and nothing to be ashamed of, it’s understandable to want to reduce their appearance.

By practicing proper prenatal skin care, you may be able to reduce the risk and appearance of stretch marks.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.