Most women’s breasts are not symmetrical, and there are times when it is noticeable. Some women may consider having breast augmentation to make both breasts look more proportional and increase their breasts’ size.
No matter how you may currently look, if you are unhappy with your breasts, you may be considering breast augmentation as the only solution to your problem.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (AMSP), breast augmentation procedures continue to be the top cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States since 2006.
Breast augmentation surgery is performed after the surgeon makes an incision and separates your breast tissue from your chest’s muscles and connective tissue. This process creates a pocket where the surgeon will insert the implant and centralize it behind your nipple. Breast augmentations can provide an increased fullness and projection of your breasts, enhance your self-image and self-confidence, and are also used for breast reconstruction.
In this article, we will provide breast augmentation before and after information and tips to help you prepare and recover from your cosmetic surgery.
There are different types of breast implant materials. The three most common are saline, silicone, and gummy bear silicone. Of all breast augmentations in 2019, 85% used silicone implants, and 15% used saline implants, as stated by the AMSP. There is no current association between connective tissue disease, breast cancer, or reproductive problems with saline or silicone gel-filled breast implants.
Saline-filled breast implants
Saline implants contain a silicone outer shell filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Some are pre-filled, and others are filled during the procedure. Saline-filled implants come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells. The implants inserted into the body empty and then filled once they're in place require a smaller incision than the pre-filled implant. Saline-filled breast implants for breast augmentation are approved by the FDA and can be used in women ages 18 or older.
Silicone gel-filled breast implants
Silicone implants have a silicone outer shell that is filled with a cohesive silicone gel. This implant usually feels and looks more natural than a saline implant. They come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells. Silicone gel-filled implants pose less risk of rippling, a complication that creates folds and wrinkles on the implant visible on the skin when used on women with less natural breast tissue. Silicone gel-filled breast implants for breast augmentation are approved by the FDA and can be used in women ages 22 or older.
Gummy bear breast implants
Gummy bear breast implants have both a silicone shell and a cohesive silicone filling that is thicker and more structured than the traditional silicone gel implants. Also, they retain their shape even if their shells are broken. Gummy bear implants create breasts that look and feel more natural than other implants. The only FDA-approved gummy bear breast implants are manufactured by three companies: Sientra, Mentor, and Allergan.
Choosing the implants’ correct size will be determined by your personal preference and your surgeon's suggestions during your consultations. The shape of your body, your age, and your lifestyle plays an important role when selecting the correct implant size. Implants should not exceed the outer borders of your chest. Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters because cup sizes vary among bra manufacturers.
Selecting the correct shape of implants can depend on your body shape and the results you want to achieve. The most common form of breast implants is round. They can be smooth or textured, saline or silicone, and can look very natural. Also, they give the appearance of more fullness in the upper region of your breasts. Typically round implants will cost less than teardrop-shaped implants. On the other hand, teardrop implants have a firmer gel consistency and have more volume toward the bottom to mimic the natural breast shape.
Unfortunately, breast implants are not lifetime devices. Implants are very likely to be removed or replaced due to complications that may occur. The most common complications presented in breast implant patients include capsular contracture, reoperation, implant removal, implant rupture with deflation, wrinkling, asymmetry, scarring, pain, and infection.
As breast implants age, they become more susceptible to rupture or rippling. Since the body cannot absorb silicone gel-filled breast implants, women with silicone gel implants are recommended to have regular MRI studies to check for leakage.
Fortunately, this is unnecessary with saline-filled implants since the body can absorb the saline solution. Understanding that breast implants require follow-up appointments and future removals can help you prepare mentally after the procedure.
Researching breast augmentation before and after tips will prepare you to undergo this type of cosmetic procedure. No matter what size, shape, or material you choose for your breast implant, make sure your decision is focused on making you happy and content with your results. You should always look for supplements that can help aid any scars with breast augmentation.
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WoundVite is a high potency supplement that can help with healing time. It contains 18 powerful science-backed pharma-grade ingredients, including Vitamin C, L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, Bromelain, and Turmeric. These ingredients work together to potentially assist in chronic wound care healing, tissue injury recovery, post-surgical healing, hysterectomy recovery, scar treatment, and scar reduction.