Need help with prolonged blue light exposure and eye fatigue? Eyemuse, a probiotic formulated specifically for eye conditions, may be what you are looking for. Let's review the details of Eyemuse and seven reasons you should try it out.
Experts commonly recommend probiotics to increase gut barrier function and support the immune system. However, other probiotic strains may be helpful in different conditions such as allergies, diarrhea, and metabolic disorders (1). One such strain with new potential applications includes Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110, or KW3110 for short. KW3110 shows potential in relieving certain ocular conditions like eye fatigue.*
Eyemuse is a heat-treated probiotic that contains the special ingredient Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that KW3110 can support healthy eye function because it regulates the immune and inflammatory response in the eye through its mechanism of action. As a result, Eyemuse, which contains KW3110, may help relieve symptoms like eye fatigue.*
There are many reasons to love Eyemuse, but here are some of our favorite benefits:
#1: Researched-backed clinical ingredient
The supplement world is filled with gimmicks, making it hard to know what will work and what won't work. To make the best decisions for your health, you should opt for supplements that contain ingredients supported by scientific evidence. This means that experts have studied the ingredients and proven that they are safe and efficacious.
Eyemuse was formulated to only include Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110, an ingredient backed by scientific research. Eyemuse's component KW3110 has both animal and human data that support its use in improving overall eye health, meaning you can use Eyemuse with confidence.*
#2: Minimizes the damage of blue light
We've all experienced the downsides of prolonged blue light exposure, including eye fatigue, eye pain, and headaches. These symptoms result from blue light's damage to cells in the retina, leading to eye issues.
Thankfully, Eyemuse contains Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110. In studies, KW3110 promoted cytokine production implicated in inflammation pathways while also reducing pre-mature aging of retinal cells (2). In doing so, Eyemuse effectively combats the effects of blue light, helping minimize the impact of screen time on your eyes.*
#3 Lowers inflammation
KW3110 works mechanistically to activate macrophages, producing an anti-inflammatory cytokine called interleukin-10 (IL-10). A study showed that taking L. paracasei KW3110 orally increased IL-10 gene expression in the intestinal immune tissues six hours after administration. These findings were further supported by a study in mice, which showed that KW3110 lowered inflammation and damage to the eye's photoreceptors in mice with light-induced retinopathy (3).
So, what does all of this mean? The totality of evidence suggests that KW3110, the main ingredient in Eyemuse, may be protective against inflammation.* Lowering inflammation is incredibly important to protecting against certain eye conditions.
#4: Reduces eye fatigue
A common side effect of blue light exposure is eye fatigue. Eye fatigue describes a condition in which your eyes become tired after extended and intensive use, which worsens when looking at screens. Eye fatigue can be particularly debilitating for individuals who extensively use their computer or phone at work.
To understand the effects of Eyemuse on eye fatigue, researchers conducted a clinical study with 62 healthy Japanese individuals with eye fatigue. Half the patients received a placebo, and half the patients received a KW3110-containing supplement.
Results found that "critical flicker", a measure of eye fatigue, was lower in individuals receiving KW3110 versus individuals receiving a placebo. This difference was most notable in the subgroup of patients with high-level eye fatigue (1).
#5: Safe to use
One of the worries people tend to have with supplements is safety. Supplements may effectively improve your condition, but will you experience any side effects, or will they impact you negatively in other ways? These are all valid concerns and questions that you should be asking before pressing “purchase”.
The good news is that when it comes to Eyemuse, the science supports its safety. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy human subjects evaluated KW3110 over the course of eight weeks. At the end of the trial, findings indicated that the safety profile of KW3110 was comparable to placebo, and there were no adverse events related to the supplement (4).*
#6 Proven to be efficacious in humans
Many supplements will use ingredients with little to no evidence supporting their use or ingredients that only have preliminary evidence from animal studies. That means the supplement is not necessarily going to be effective, which could mean time and money wasted. To be sure about the benefits of a supplement, you'll want to look if its key ingredients have been studied in humans.
The aforementioned clinical trial in humans demonstrates that KW3110, the main ingredient in Eyemuse, could be efficacious in people.* It showed that KW3110 improved eye fatigue to a greater extent than placebo, proving its potential in eye disorders like eye fatigue (4).*
#7 It's a gummy!
Say goodbye to large capsule supplements that are both boring and difficult to swallow. As if the advantages of Eyemuse weren't enough, Eyemuse is available in a gummy form in the EyeMAZING gummy from Zen Nutrients. This everyday eye vitamin is convenient and tasty while providing the potential benefits of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110.
Knowing the extensive benefits of Eyemuse, you'll likely want to start incorporating it into your everyday health and wellness routine. Zen Nutrients is the best platform to get your hands on Eyemuse, where you can purchase The Eye Mazing Vitamin gummy which contains Eyemuse.
The Eye Mazing Vitamin contains Lacticaseibacillus paracasei KW3110 as well as a host of other beneficial ingredients, including:
Myopia control proprietary blend
Lutemax 2020. Lutemax 2020, a patented and clinically tested ingredient, contains high-bioavailability lutein and zeaxanthin. Together, these substances act as a powerhouse with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects (5,6)
Additional vital eye vitamins and nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc)
The Eye Mazing Vitamin's unique formulation, which contains Eyemuse, may reduce the impact of blue light and eye fatigue on your everyday functioning.* Get your first bottle of The Eye Mazing Vitamin from Zen Nutrients today!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.