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30th November 2022

12 Foot Care Tips for Optimal Foot Health

Dr. Jill Barat, PharmD
12 Foot Care Tips for Optimal Foot Health

Whether you are an athlete prone to foot issues from constantly hitting the pavement, or you are a diabetic that needs to put a little extra care into your foot health, these 12 tips can help ensure that you are doing everything you can to keep those toes in tip-top shape.


1. Invest in your footwear

Take a step in the right direction with your foot care by choosing a high-quality well-fitting shoe that works for everyday wear.

Shoes that have too little room in the toe can cause calluses, bunions, and blisters.

Shoes with too much room in the toe can rub too much on the tops of the nails, and give little stability to the foot.

There should be about ½ inch between the end of our longest toe and the tip of your shoe.


2. Inspect your feet regularly

Taking a gander at your feet on the regular can help you stay on top of problems as soon as they begin.

For many people with nerve issues or diabetes, wounds and foot problems may take longer than usual to be felt, so having a visual check is necessary.

Have a loved one or health care personnel perform regular foot checks, or invest in a small mirror so that you can see every inch of your feet.


3. Trim toenails properly

There are actually ways that you can trim your toenails to help prevent future problems.

You want to cut toenails straight across, without cutting down around the edges.

This type of nail trimming will help avoid ingrown toenails which can be painful, get infected, or cut into the skin of the toe.

You will also want to smooth out any jagged, pointed, or rough edges to avoid cuts and snags.


4. Look for changes in nail color or texture

Look out for changes in toenail color, texture, or shape, as this can be a sign of a toenail fungus developing.

Toenail fungus can range in color from tan, to brown, green, black, or yellow.

Signs that you may have a toenail fungus is color changes, cracked nails, lines in nails, crumbly texture, tough nails, lifting, or a foul smell coming from the nails.


5. Avoid going barefoot

When you go barefoot, you leave your feet susceptible to injury.

Always wear shoes to avoid cuts, callouses, or burns.

Have a pair of protective indoor house shoes for inside wear only if you live in a household where you remove your outdoor shoes.

Pick up a pair of wet shoes if going to the beach or in the pool to give you a little extra foot protection when you are in or around the water.


6. Get regular exercise

Foot swelling and poor circulation can benefit from regular exercise and making sure to move around often.

Try to not leave your feet in the exact same position for too long, and schedule regular short walks if you are sedentary or work at an office job.

Talk with your doctor before starting any exercise routine to choose one that is best suited to your health conditions and current fitness level.


7. Treat those plantar warts

Plantar warts are a common foot affliction, but they can be stubborn.

Plantar warts look similar to other warts but they are found on the bottom of the feet and can be painful.

While plantar warts are not life-threatening and tend to grow slowly, you will want to have them professionally removed or treated immediately.

Letting a plantar wart linger may cause you to alter the way you walk due to the pain and irritation, putting you at risk for unsteadiness or foot injuries.


8. Remove excess thick skin

Have extra thickened skin professionally removed from your feet on a regular basis.

Extra thick skin on your feet can become dried out, tough, and cracked, sometimes causing bleeding and infection.


9. Wash feet daily

Wash your feet daily using warm water and gentle soap.

Be sure to clean in between each toe as well as the tops and bottoms of the feet.

Dry feet thoroughly, even in between the toes.

After drying apply a gentle moisturizing lotion to the tops and bottoms of the feet, but avoid applying moisturizer in between the toes.


10. Keep feet moisturized

If you battle with dry cracked feet, moisturize at least once daily once feet are cleaned.

Intense hydrating creams, ointments, and lotions may be more suitable for very dry skin on the feet.

Apply to the tops and bottoms of the feet, but avoid putting creams and lotions in between the toes.


11. Wear clean absorbent socks every day

Preforming good foot care means making sure that all of your footwear is in tip-top shape, including your socks.

This means you need to switch out socks at least once daily, and make sure there are no holes or extreme wear which is making them ineffective.

Sweat-wicking socks are great for anyone who has issues with sweaty feet.


12. Don’t smoke

Smoking isn’t just bad news for your lungs, it can wreak havoc on your circulation and nerve health too.

If you are diabetic, you will already have challenges in the realm of good circulation, so adding smoking on top will make issues even more severe.

Do your feet, legs, and overall health a favor and kick the cigs.

PodiVite general foot health support supplement

Here at Zen Nutrients, our pharmacists and doctors have developed a supplement to help support foot health.*

If you have issues stemming from your feet and you want to implement a healthy-feet plan, abiding by the tips listed above as well as trying out a supplement keeping foot health in mind may help you with your general foot care.*

You can learn more about PodiVite or place an order from Zen Nutrients: Here.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.