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13th March 2024

The Ozempic Plateau: Why This Happens and 5 Tips

Dr. Devan Patel, PharmD
The Ozempic Plateau: Why This Happens and 5 Tips

Uh, oh. You’ve been on Ozempic for a while but are no longer seeing weight loss results? You may have hit your first Ozempic plateau. 

What is the Ozempic plateau and, more importantly, what can you do about it? Read below to learn more about the Ozempic plateau and 5 tips for how to get over it. 


What Is Ozempic?

Ozempic is a semaglutide medication intended to treat diabetics. However, it is also prescribed off-label for overweight and obese patients to help facilitate weight loss. 

Ozempic helps patients lose weight by controlling blood sugar levels and reducing their appetite. Therefore, you eat less while on Ozempic, which induces weight loss. 

Ozempic has few serious side effects and has been shown to be a safe and effective medical solution to weight loss. However, it is not a magic solution. 


What Is the Ozempic Plateau?

The Ozempic plateau is the moment when you stop losing weight while still taking Ozempic regularly. Like any weight loss plateau, the Ozempic plateau tends to occur after you’ve lost your first 10 pounds or more. 

Unlike when you first started taking the medication, you are not losing weight at the same rate as when you began. Even though your diet or exercise routine hasn’t changed. Why is this?


Understanding the Ozempic Plateau

When you first start Ozempic, you initially lose weight because you lose your appetite. Less of an appetite means you ultimately consume fewer calories. 

However, once you lose weight and your metabolism becomes accustomed to the lower amount of calories you’re eating, you stop losing weight. This can occur even if you are still taking Ozempic regularly. 

Remember, Ozempic is not a magic weight loss solution. Your body still follows the same principle of calories in vs. calories out. If you are no longer burning more calories than you consume, your weight loss will cease. 

5 Tips to Bust the Ozempic Plateau

So, what can you do about the Ozempic plateau? Is there any hope for more weight loss? Fortunately, the answer is yes!

To bust through any kind of weight loss plateau, you must find a way to continue burning more calories than you consume. 

Below are some tips for how you can bust through the Ozempic plateau and get back on track with your weight loss. 

1. Exercise

Exercise is the most effective way to burn off extra calories while also improving your overall health. If you haven’t already, start an exercise program that gets you up and moving for at least 30 minutes, 3 days a week or more. 

There are plenty of forms of exercise to choose from including walking, jogging, dancing, weightlifting, or even a sport like pickleball. Choose something you enjoy that you can stick with consistently to continue seeing results from your weight loss. 

2. Walk More

In addition to sticking to a regular exercise routine, get out and walk more. Walking is a great way to burn extra calories without over-exerting yourself. 

It’s a low-impact exercise that’s beneficial for your cardiovascular and mental health. Incorporate more walking into your daily life by parking farther away from the door, taking the dog for extra walks, pacing back and forth while talking on the phone, or getting some extra steps in while on your lunch break. 

3. Eat Healthier

One of the best things people like about Ozempic is that they can lose weight while continuing to eat the foods they love. However, that only works until you hit the Ozempic plateau. 

Even though you may have initially lost weight while eating pizza every day, that’ll likely be short-lived. To continue losing weight, you must burn more than you are consuming. 

Choosing healthier foods that are naturally lower in calories and higher in filling nutrients is the ideal approach. You will feel more satiated, be able to eat more food, while still losing weight. 

Consider a whole foods diet that’s balanced with plenty of lean proteins, whole grains, green veggies, fresh fruits, and healthy fats like avocado and nuts. 

4. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is not only good for your organs and cells, but it may also help you bust through your Ozempic plateau. 

Hydration is key for curbing hunger. We tend to eat less when we are sufficiently hydrated because oftentimes our “hunger” is really thirst in disguise. 

Plus, staying hydrated can improve our overall health and bodily functions. Meaning the better we feel, the less likely we are to skip out on a workout or eat something unhealthy. 

5. Track Your Progress

Finally, don’t forget to track your weight loss progress. Treat your Ozempic plateau like any weight loss plateau. 

To see better results, it helps if you keep track of what you are doing to see what’s working or not. Keep track of your weight and measurements bi-weekly to see how much progress you are making. 

If you’re not making any progress, that’s a good indicator that you may need to step up your workout game or stick to your diet a little more carefully. 


Can Supplements Help With the Ozempic Plateau?

Dietary supplements are used for a variety of different health benefits, including weight loss. PeptideVite is a natural multi-nutrient supplement formulated specifically for use alongside semaglutide medications.*

PeptideVite contains ingredients like ginger root, magnesium, and B12 that may help in reducing the side effects of semaglutide while supporting energy levels.*

Consuming a supplement like PeptideVite may make your Ozempic journey more tolerable and give you the extra boost you need to break through your Ozempic plateau.* 

The Ozempic Plateau Explained

The Ozempic plateau is not uncommon and fortunately, can be solved with some simple lifestyle changes. 

Incorporating more exercise and walking into your daily routine, eating better, staying hydrated, and tracking your progress are key for breaking your plateau. Follow these guidelines and you will be on your way to weight loss success in no time. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.