Tendonitis can happen in many places in your body, any place that has tendons can experience the inflammation and subsequent pain of having that tendon inflamed.
When tendon inflammation happens on the top of your foot it is also called Extensor Tendonitis.
In this article, we will cover some of the basics of tendonitis happening on the top of your foot, including symptoms, causes, and common treatments.
A tendon is a stringy connective tissue in the body that connects muscle to bone to make certain movements when the tendon changes shape.
At the top of the foot, these tendons are called extensor tendons, and they connect the bones of your toes to the muscles on the front of your lower leg.
When these tendons are used, this allows you to flex your feet.
However, these tendons are in a relatively unprotected location at the top of feet, and overuse or ill-fitting footwear can cause inflammation in the tendons.
When these tendons become irritated or inflamed, this normally leads to pain and sometimes swelling of the area.
The main symptoms of tendonitis in your foot are:
While tendonitis can occur in both feet at the same time, it more commonly occurs or starts in just one foot first.
Most of the time, people with tendonitis in their feet have a general idea of what started the pain.
The most common causes of foot tendonitis include:
The most common treatment for uncomplicated extensor tendonitis is resting and icing the affected foot for an amount of time.
The R.I.C.E. method may be recommended as first-line treatment for at-home tendonitis care:
R - Rest
I - Icing
C - Compression
E - Elevation
If the resting method does not make the pain go away or gets worse after about a week, it is time to see a doctor to plan a course of action.
A doctor may give you anti-inflammatory medications, a boot for your foot, or recommend switching to more suitable therapeutic shoes.
Sometimes, physical therapy, certain foot stretches, or steroid injections from your doctor may be recommended.
If the pain in your foot lasts more than a few days, or the pain gets worse instead of getting better it is time to involve a doctor to get some additional help.
Here at Zen Nutrients, we realized there was a need for foot support supplements, so our pharmacist founder created PodiVite. PodiVite is a combination of vitamins, minerals, a plant extracts to aid in general foot health.*
Purchase or learn more about PodiVite today.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.